Richard Hibbert in the Press – KBB’s Generation Next

Richard Hibbert in the Press – KBB’s Generation Next
September 5, 2017 Richard Hibbert
richard hibbert

We announced that KSL’s very own Richard Hibbert had been the appointed to the position of National Chair for the KBSA a few months ago now. Since then Richard has been talking to as many people of influence in the beginnings of his quest to raise awareness and increase membership to the KBSA.

We have been delighted that the press interest about Richard’s plan to modernise the KBSA in his new role has been very positive and encouraging. The KBBreview magazine has recently published this article about Richard and how he plans to bring the KBSA into the 21st Century and appeal to a new generation of retailers. Including the challenges about changing the perception of the KBSA from an somewhat elitist organisation to a forward thinking, open and inclusive voice for the industry.

In the article Richard says “Half the problem, is that people are a bit blinkered when it comes to the KBSA. They get caught up in the past. But the association has changed over the past couple of years and we’re now fit for purpose and ready to rock and roll! It’s about communication and that’s what I’m making my priority going forward.”

“Our policies are changing,” he says. “We’re breaking down barriers and we’re already seeing people’s attitudes change towards us.”

As outlined in the KBBreview article, Richard’s plans (supported by KBSA’s CEO Uwe Hanneck) for modernising the KBSA include:

  • Improving the KBSA’s trade and consumer facing websites and social media channels to improve communication between the KBSA, its members and the industry as a whole.
  • Changing the KBSA’s Customer Care insurance condition of membership from mandatory (which had been a cost barrier previously) to an opt-in condition.
  • Planning removing the ‘two years in business’ membership condition so that the organisation can support new businesses when support is most needed.
  • Providing greater emphasis on training and elevating kitchen, bathroom and bedroom design to a truly recognised specialism.

“The more training we can offer, the more credible our industry will become,” Richard explains. “The more credible our industry becomes, the more people will want to join the KBSA and the louder our voice will be.”

Richard’s message in the article is simple. The KBSA is a modern association and it is better working with retailers together. If you’d like to get in touch, so Richard can explain what the KBSA is about and how being a member can genuinely improve your business, give him a call on 0178 733 9023.

Read the full KBBreview article here.

The KBSA is the only trade association operating specifically for the KBB industry, and represents independent KBB specialists. It was founded in 1978. Over 100 brands supplying the industry support the Association and its key objective of promoting the professionalism and excellence available from the independent specialist retailer.